Put links and other miscellaneous information here. Have a bullet list at the top with links down to each of the topics which will be placed further down the page. Alternatively, have links to sub-pages.
This page is still under construction.
Put links and other miscellaneous information here. Have a bullet list at the top with links down to each of the topics which will be placed further down the page. Alternatively, have links to sub-pages.
This page is still under construction.
If you're reading this, then you probably already know at least one member of the Davies family and you're probably aware of what we're up to. In case you don't know us then here's a brief introduction. We're on the road in an RV, travelling around the US and homeschooling as we go.
Why RAD? Rhys, Anwen, Dylan (plus Nina and Tony, but RADNT isn't so cool).
This whole website is under construction. The plan is to include a blog to allow anyone who's interested to keep up with our exploits. Later, when we have more time, we'll include more content on topics which affect and/or interest us (including, travel, homeschooling, the environment, whatever..).
The Davies Family
Alaska: Exit (11-July-2015)
Alaska: South Central (7-June-2015)
Alaska: Interior (12-May-2015)
Alaska: South East (23-Apr-2015)
BC and Yukon (12-Apr-2015)
Washington (15-Mar-2015)
Montana (9-Mar-2015)
Wyoming #2 (9-Mar-2015)
Idaho (26-Feb-2015)
Utah #2 (10-Feb-2015)
Arizona (22-Jan-2015)
Provence, France (29-Dec-2014)
North Wales (22-Dec-2014)
England (19-Dec-2014)
South Wales (5-Nov-2014)
California (5-Oct-2014)
Nevada (26-Sept-2014)
Utah (14-Sep-2014)
Wyoming (9-Sep-2014)
South Dakota (22-Aug-2014)
Iowa (11-Aug-2014)
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